about this site

Welcome to my website. Here, you'll find a collection of my thoughts, ideas, and projects - all in one place, free from the noise and distractions of social media. In today's world, where social media platforms dominate our online lives and collect our data for profit, personal websites have become more important than ever. They offer a way to define ourselves as individuals, outside of the constraints and algorithms of corporate media. By creating a personal website, we can showcase our work, share our passions, and connect with others on our own terms. It's a place where we can truly be ourselves, without worrying about pleasing advertisers or algorithms. But personal websites are more than just a way to escape the pressures of social media. They also allow us to take ownership of our online presence and build our own digital identities. By creating and curating our own content, we can establish ourselves as experts, thought leaders, or simply individuals with something valuable to say. So if you're thinking about creating a personal website, I highly encourage you to do so. It's a powerful way to express yourself, connect with others, and take control of your online presence. And who knows - it may just change the way you think about the internet and your place in it.

about me

I'm Kal, and I'm not exactly what you'd call a people person. I prefer to spend most of my time alone, hacking away at my keyboard and trying to make sense of the world around me. My interests are pretty narrow, to be honest - I'm fascinated by computers and the inner workings of complex systems.

some of my interesets
tech, music , creative outlets